It usually goes one of two ways. Either they message/text/talk to you from time to time, trying to be nice and start conversations (that are clearly not welcome) or they finally screw up the balls to attempt some sort of "confrontation" over perceived wrongs and act like a petty little bitch.
Both of these situations have happened to me, and I hate them both.
For the most part, I try to make sure people know why I don't want to be friends with them (if it's necessary - obviously if they've been inconsiderate dickbags or if we haven't spoken in ages, etc, I don't feel it's necessary in the slightest) but the reason I can usually give (and it's usually true) is that we've grown apart.
I'm twenty. I'm going to be gaining and losing friends like mad over the next couple of years, and the vast majority of my friends from high school won't be my friends in the next five years. Are there exceptions? Of course, I certainly think there are, but the fact of the matter is that there are other people in the world, making and losing friends is completely normal and acting like a douchey bitch isn't going to make anyone want to be friends with you.
I think the most important thing to do is to try and handle losing a friend with some... dignity, I guess? If you have any bones to pick with them (the weirdest pictures come up in google when you put that in, I don't understand), for fuck's sake, don't do it on the internet.
Dealing with confrontations over the internet when you have every ability to do it elsewhere makes you look like a cowardly dick.
If you have a problem with someone, texting them is really not the best way to deal with it.
Pick up a fucking phone, people. It won't kill you and the other person will automatically have a bit more respect for your (perceived or otherwise) balls.
Also, I hate working during October with a passion. Work makes me hate Halloween.
People also make me hate people. I seriously contemplated breaking necks today.
I'm too tired for this. Shitty rant over. I'll do a better one... later? I dunno. I'm feeling a bit depressed because I don't get to go home at all this semester.

Does that about sum up your feelings on that last comment? If so, fuck you.
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