Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I fucking hate WB.

As in Warner Brothers? Yes, those fuckfaces.

Kaydee and I ordered some stuff from their official HP merchandise online store (I don't need your judgement), and Kate texted me to say that we had some slips about the delivery for them. We had ordered Ravenclaw scarves and ties, in case you were wondering. Because we're that awesome.

Anyway, I was thinking to myself that that was a pretty speedy delivery, because (I think) we only ordered them last night. So we were texting back and forth trying to figure out what we had to do next, because apparently they'd tried to deliver them twice but nobody was there to sign for them or whatever. No big deal, right?

Well, over a hunk of cheese and a glass of milk at the kitchen table, Kate and I were talking and I was idly looking the sheets over, when I saw that the green sheets underneath said "invoice".

What the fuck.

I have a confession to make. I shop online. A LOT. Because I don't have to deal with people and their judgement of what I buy (I know they don't judge what I buy but I'm anxious and probably insecure so I think they are) so I do it online, where nobody cares and they'll never know me anyway.

And I've never gotten an invoice for ANYTHING, not even when I bought a singles collection from a guy on ebay that was shipped from the UK.

Because most people who sell online (AKA people who aren't douchebags) declare these things as a gift, right? So the person receiving the item doesn't have to pay duty and stuff like that.

While we were ordering the stuff online, we were a bit choked that it was going to be $15 in shipping (seriously, WB? Canada and the States are not that fucking far from each other), but I figured it was to cover duty, etc.

Not so. In addition to the $55 or whatever it was that we spent on there, we have $21 in duty/taxes/"processing" fees to pay on top of that.

With how fucking rich WB is, you'd think they could suck it up and pay a bit of money so their customers don't blow another $20 on their merchandise.

Apparently the people who own the rights to Looney Tunes, Hanna-Barbera, Cartoon Network (DEXTER'S LAB), Beetlejuice and, yes, HARRY FUCKING POTTER, can't afford to pay some of the fucking money to at least get the charges on an item down to, you know, less than nearly half of the item's total purchase cost.

I'm never ordering from them again. They could start letting people rent Sirius Black (mmmm Gary Oldman) for a year for $20 as a sex/house/whatever you want slave and I STILL wouldn't order from them, that's how annoyed I am.

... Okay, I lied, the idea of resisting a rentable Gary Oldman is proving more difficult than I anticipated.

The point is,

WB fucking sucks.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, ThinkGeek also has that importation fee or whatever. It's really more of the mailing company that charges that than the actual company. Unless of course the company pays it then demands compensation for it. Then they suck.
