Sunday, October 3, 2010

I need a damn car.

So on Friday night, I was taking the bus home. And by "bus", I mean two buses. Now that we've moved, I have to take two to get home from work.

Anyway, yes. I was on the bus. I was waiting at a bus stop downtown and I basically got mauled (yes, literally, want to see my wounds?) by a group of guys that I would call "party boys", only because "frat boys" don't exist in this city. Yet. And hopefully they never will.

They kept asking me where I was going and telling me that I should go wherever they were going, and I kept saying no, that I was going home, that I had just gotten off work and that I wasn't really in the mood, but they wouldn't shut up. When the bus got there, I thought I was saved. I was really hoping that they weren't taking the same bus as me.

But they were, of course. And they were going to get off at campus, same as I was. So they kept bugging me on the bus, until I finally lost my temper (what? I never do that) and told them to shut the fuck up because their pointless and uninteresting babble was making me want to smash their heads together.

They were all shocked, of course. I dunno, perhaps they thought that my shortness and, you know, state of having a vagina (also known as being a woman) would mean that I wouldn't snap like that.

But you know what? Nobody should have to put up with people being so fucking obnoxious that you want to rip their intestines out and strangle those fuckers with them.

Anyway, once the bus got to campus, they staggered off, and I walked over to get on the next bus. I quickly discovered that I was essentially the only sober person on the bus, and I cursed my terrible luck. I was resigning myself to a short but irritating (and potentially amusing) bus ride when some assfaces in the back seat started singing that fucking "Ignition" song by R. Kelly.

Yes, I know what you're thinking.

"But that song wasn't even good when it came out! It's fucking terrible, in fact! Only people who deserve to run marathons whilst on fire would sing that song!"

My sentiments exactly. In any case, it was only one guy that knew all the words, and everyone else just kept joining in at the, "It's the freaking weekend, baby, I'm about to have me some fun!"

UGH it was so irritating. I was thinking up various ways that I could kill each of them (I wanted to give each their own method of death, of course) when the loudest ones all got off at the same stop. Beautiful!

So I was sitting there thinking to myself that the rest of the bus ride was going to be fine. NOT SO! Some annoying guy from high school was talking (well, trying to talk) to me, and I was being pretty short with my answers. We weren't friends at all in high school, and I really wasn't interested in talking to him, I just wanted to get home. He made some comment about me being a big bitch (thank you), and I just said, "Yeah, I am" so he fires back with something else that actually bugged me, so I said, "Shut the fuck up, your full name here."

I don't want to put his full name, because that would be weird and I also don't want to get in trouble, but yeah. I came home and told Kaydee about it, and the second I finished the story, she said, "Did you actually call him *his full name*?"

In short, working on Friday nights sucks because everyone on the bus home is wasted and you're tired and cranky and you wish you had a big wrench to clock every single one of them.

Oh, also! I worked Saturday night as well, and the bus I was taking home was a double decker. I figured I could avoid the drunk kids on the bus by going up to the top level, since the narrow staircase of doom can be difficult to navigate sober.

NOT SO. I was trying to get off at my stop, and I'm pretty sure a kid had passed out on the stairs.

So yeah. No more Friday and Saturday nights at work for me. Hopefully I'll get booked for some events instead...

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