Obviously this is an accurate drawing of what she looked like.
I told you it was shitty. Okay. So "us" is where we were standing at first. And then we moved to where the 1 was when she was trying to get past, so she could try and get through that outrageously narrow place.. She attempted to get by, but hit the produce guy's cart at 2. She pushed past all embarrassed, and my mom was just looking at her in disbelief, I think because the woman was really rude. So my mom turned to me and muttered, "ex-fucking-cuse you" and I laughed, because it's so typically my mom. And the lady spins around and this happens:
Crazy bitch: Excuse me, I have a very bad migraine, it's rude to laugh.
Me: Right. I wasn't laughing at you.
CB: Oh you are so ignorant, don't even -
Dad: I laughed at you.
CB: (with a bit of a startled look at my dad before regaining some "composure") Sure. All of you are so ignorant -
Sister: No, you know what's ignorant? Assuming that people are always talking about you.
CB: *stunned silence before walking away.*
Ignorant? Seriously? I literally can't believe how many people use this word incorrectly. For the most part, being called "ignorant" isn't that much of an insult - it means you simply lack the knowledge/whatever in the given situation. I don't know why people think that they have to go for ignorant, when "rude" would be perfectly sufficient. Although I really wasn't laughing at her, so I suppose I wasn't being rude. Although I was laughing at a rude comment my mom made, so...
Anyway, we saw her again as we were walking around the store, and she hid her face and Erin was like, "Hey, look!" so I turned to her and said, "Shh, there's only so many times a person can be belligerent in one day." And then the lady looked up at me and was totally mortified, and I just ignored her and kept going.
And then I got thinking about how annoyed I get at people, because so many people are incapable of using certain words properly. "Ignorant" is one of them, but I've also noticed that a lot of people don't use "redundant" properly either. Erin has this guy who always insists that the self check outs at her work are redundant because they ask him if he wants any bags after he's already started ringing his stuff through, and she always says that that's not really redundant, and he always replies with, "Do you actually know what redundant means?"
Which brings me to the second part of my rant: I hate how people assume that I'm uneducated based on my shitty, minimum wage job. In Victoria, there was this woman that came through my till and started lecturing me about the importance of getting out of my shitty job and getting into school. I kept waiting for a break in her steady flow of condescending crap to tell her that I was actually in university. When she finally stopped to take a breath, I said that I was in my second year of university and that I intended to go to graduate school and possibly on after that to get my doctorate. And she was like, "Well, isn't that surprising, I bet you're the only one that works here that sees any value in education." And I was really shocked that she would say something like that, so I kind of just stared at her before saying, "Actually, most of the people who work on till are students at some sort of post-secondary institution. What university did you go to?" She stared at me for a while and then grabbed her things and left, and I was like RAGE.
I mean, seriously? I only work this shitty job because I don't have a degree yet. I work this shitty job to pay my rent and to feed myself, I don't work there because I want to make a career out of working there. I've never had any interest in staying on for any length of time at any of the high school-type jobs that I've had once I graduate. VV can lick my balls, any of the other places that I've worked can bite me, because I don't intend on working there for my whole life. I have much larger goals for myself than that.
That being said, I do recognize the necessity of people working these shitty jobs. I don't judge anyone's choices either way, I just don't want that for myself. I hate how people just assume that you can't work at a shitty place and want to have any type of respectable future.
And really... some of the people that I've worked with have been incredibly smart. They may not have degrees to prove it, but being scholarly isn't the only way to be considered intelligent. There are tons of people in my classes that say the most ridiculously stupid things, and I often find myself wondering how anyone that thick could possibly get into one of the best universities in the country. There was a girl in one of my third year history classes (British history, in fact) who didn't know who was leading Britain during WWII.
I contemplated shooting her, but decided against it. There was another guy, in one of my Soviet history courses, who thought that Lenin was leading the USSR during WWII. And I'm sorry to anyone that's thinking, "I might not have known that!" and thinking that I'm being a judgemental bitch, but part of studying history is knowing stuff like that. And that's easy stuff to remember in comparison to minute details in legislation and the like. Seriously? Not knowing who led Britain in WWII when you're in a third year British history course is fucking outrageous. Winston Churchill is (arguably) the most famous Prime Minister of the twentieth century (I would say that only Thatcher could potentially push him out, but she's well-known for being a crazy bitch, whereas Churchill is known for being a witty, awesome badass) and you don't know that he was leading the UK in WWII? And I'm sorry, some people may not know that he died 21st January, 1924 (clearly I love Soviet history, I still do things on his death day every year), but Lenin was so obviously dead by the second world war. How else would Stalin's Five Year Plans have happened...? And those are kind of a huge fucking deal when you're studying Soviet history.
In short, I hate everyone.
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