1. Idiots. I also hate the latest trend of claiming to be "trolling" on the internet when someone makes you look like a jackass.
2. People who inflict their mess on me.
3. When somebody knows that they owe you money, but continues to go along and hopes that you won't notice.
4. Hypocrisy. Grasping at straws just makes you look like a loser.
5. I goddamn hate when movie trailers give away the whole movie. Like that "Tron" movie or whatever the fuck it's called? When I saw the preview for it before Alice in Wonderland started, I was VERY annoyed by the incredibly expository bits of dialogue that they used to capture a viewer's attention.
"What, he's going to turn up and say that he just got sidetracked after twenty years?"
"You never know...."
Or something to that effect. This is why I write scripts, because I have a horrid memory for dialogue and would never remember any of my lines.
So basically, this guy's dad is some kind of nerdy guy. I believe he works in some kind of alternate universe. Boring main character decides to go have a look and figure out what happened to his dad. Finds himself drawn into the world, and, lo and behold, his dear dad is there. But OH NO, everything's just so SCARY, whatever shall we do!
That being said... I might go see it because it has Olivia Wilde in it. THIRTEEN! I straight up love her. When we saw Year One in theatres, I yelled IT'S THIRTEEN the second she came on the screen. There was a rather awkward pause after. Apparently there were no House fans in the building.
Did I mention that I find this sudden happening HILARIOUS, and am grateful to the informer? I look forward to the smackdown promised by text message.
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