Friday, April 15, 2011

So... it's been a while.

Hello children. It's been... a while... since I posted on here, but that doesn't mean that I haven't been angry. I think maybe I've been slightly less angry than usual, but that's probably the Cadbury Creme Egg and vanilla milk talking. I still rant daily... multiple times, probably, but my rants have been reduced more to twitter than anything else. Don't hate.

Anyway, lately I've been pretty annoyed at the way some people I know treat their friends. This isn't really directed at anyone in particular (except one bitch but even if she was I wouldn't give a fuck), but it fucking sucks to see people I care about treated like shit, so there we go.

It seems like people have been so overfuckingsensitive lately. And selfish. Really fucking selfish. I just need to start slapping bitches and reminding them that the world doesn't revolve around them. I also need to punch every single person in the teeth who posts passive-aggressive Facebook statuses and then backs up on the bitchiness when someone that they were talking about comments. I mean, post the statuses, I give a fuck - I'm guilty of it too sometimes - but have the guts to admit that you were talking about that person or don't say anything at all. It's like I said in my last post (from January...? Seriously? Wow I suck, apparently two blogs at once is simply too much work for me) - if it's something you wouldn't have the balls to say in real life, don't fucking say it.

The other thing that's really getting on my balls lately is the same sort of thing as always. I hate my job because it makes me miserable (except for the people I work with - all my coworkers are awesome but most of my supervisors suck) and even the one good thing about it (coworkers) are all miserable because they hate this goddamn job too. It's like a vicious cycle of misery and I'm sure it's only going to get worse once businesses have to start paying above slave labour. Oooh no, big business, you simply don't have any money at all to pay your employees so they can afford to, you know, live. I totally understand how hard that is because fuck off and die. I hate my job because incompetent people get promoted or hired on when perfectly capable people are getting left behind. I especially hate it because it's always men getting hired on to do positions that existing employees could do more than adequately. I'm just saying, pretty much all of the boss people at my fucking job are men, yet most of the employees themselves are women. So it just seems a little dodgy that men keep getting hired to do jobs that the women could do too.

I also hate my supervisors (most of them) because they (and I definitely DO mean the men here) have this irritating goddamn habit of moving around a lot and not fucking doing anything. Walking around with the schedule clipboard is not doing something. There's only five of us working, you fucking asshole, even you can remember at least a bit of that. And you know it's bad when fucking customers comment on it. A lady came through my till today and straight up said that the only people who work at that store are women. I didn't really say anything and she said that the men just walk around trying to look busy and that the supervisor for our part of the store only comes down when he absolutely has to and then acts like it's a giant fucking inconvenience the whole time. I obviously agreed but I wasn't going to say shit all.

And then she started in on the object of my most intense loathing at work. One of my supervisors. Said he's a sexist, condescending pig and that he treats us all like we can't do our jobs. And then I got to thinking about how I detest him so much and why. I've made a list of why I hate him so much. Want to see it? Too bad, you're going to.

1. I fucking hate him because he's one of those people that talks a lot and never says anything. I don't know how else to explain it except to say that nothing he says is of value.
2. I fucking hate him because any time someone does something that isn't the way he would do it, he gets all bent out of shape and spends ten minutes lecturing us and saying the same goddamn thing over and over. Maybe I should've switched one and two around, since I basically just said he says nothing over and over. Which is true.
3. I hate him because he is so fucking fake. He's absolutely ecstatic when he hears any bit of gossip. His eyes seriously light up with the most malicious glee I've ever seen. Yet he's told me numerous times that the women at work spend all their time gossiping. a;dskjghas;dkh
4. This ties into three, but he's a complete sexist. And I don't give a FUCK how many times people say it's a cultural thing or that it's because he's from a different generation. That is no fucking excuse for not extending the same respect to women. Women are human beings too (shocker) and to treat them so fucking rudely blows my mind. No wonder he's single.
5. This also ties into three, but he alternates between acting like a big douchebag to me and then trying to befriend me. By doing stupid shallow things, like saying that I have nice hair (I do) or that my nails look nice (they always do). Or like a few nights ago, he told me that he really liked my nails (and went on to blab about his background in arts I DON'T CARE) and then basically told me that I wear too much make up.

He's basically just the most loathsome, foul human being I've eve rmet. And this means that I'm actually saying he's worse than the sewing teacher who threw one of my classmates across the room (seriously), the elementary school teacher I had that was such a giant bitch that we all went crazy one day and basically trashed a classroom, causing her to have a nervous breakdown, and anyone ever who wears fucking bar glitter on their nails. Seriously.

So I guess, in short, this is to let you know that I'm still alive and angry. I wanted to do a big feminist rant but I've been feministing a lot lately and it's a lot to try and sort out and form into sentences and paragraphs and stuff. So yeah. Still alive, still angry, still... here?

Saturday, January 8, 2011

There are so many mini rants in here.


Okay. So I was an extremely angry bunny today... yes, bunny. WHAT'S IT TO YOU.

First, I woke up and had a scratchy throat from a five hour Rock Band marathon with Melvis, Holland and KD. And then I checked Facebook and saw an ignorant pig that T was FB friends with acting like a douchebag on a status she posted about how people that shop at our work (most of us work at the same place) are fucking dickbags.

This is true. It is so true that I'm amazed that we don't come home from work every single day and rant for hours about how we've lost faith in humanity and how everyone is a fucking cockface and that it might actually be a good thing for us to be destroyed in a nuclear war, because at least we'd potentially have the chance to start fresh and maybe our radioactive future selves will eradicate stupidity. Ooooh happy thoughts.

Anyway, I don't want to rehash what happened, but basically, when people fucking flagrantly show off their ignorance and sense of entitlement like it's going out of fucking style, I want to kill them. I hate when people try and back up and act like they weren't acting like chodes after they get called out by a person (or four).

I fucking hate people who don't understand netiquette. Yes, netiquette. The internet isn't a pass for you to use to act like a fucking dick and say all of the things that you would never have the guts to say in real life. Here's some basic netiquette:

1. Don't say things that you don't have the balls to say in real life.
2. Don't be awkward. Commenting on a status that someone that you haven't spoken to in years is awkward.
3. Starting an argument on said person's status is also awkward.
4. Acting like a douchebag and then getting embarrassed and deleting all of your douchebaggery is fucking stupid. Have the courage of your convictions, or whatever that expression is. You said it. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. ClicheKirstenlikescliches.
5. Don't act like a douchebag because I will find you.

Another rant... I hate people who power trip. Like oooooooooooh, let me flaunt my power and subtly threaten you by saying that you won't be able to wear nail polish to work. Motherfuckerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr nothing gets between me and my polish. NOTHING. Don't do things just to show your minions that you can. Work on making, you know, constructive changes. I would like to go one shift without being called a cunt. I'd like to have six months of work where I don't almost get stabbed by some crazy cracked out motherfucker with a needle. That would be really nice. Fuck uniforms. Customer behaviour expectations are far more important to get out there.

*Sigh* I have a very long post saved on here that I will publish at some point... but it's not done yet... instead, I'll share some awkward stories from the last month or so, since people really seem to enjoy hearing about me making an ass of myself. It's okay. I like when you make yourself look like a dick too. HAHAHAHA THAT SENTENCE.

Story oneeeeee: I was Christmas shopping for KD, and I wanted to try and find some Star Wars related to that jedi guy she likes... Wikipedia has informed me that his name is Qui-Gon Jinn. I wish I'd had my phone when I was doing this, but... so anyway, I went into a comic book store and approached one of the guys after wandering around for ten minutes. I asked if they had any Star Wars stuff, and he asked if I was looking for anything in particular. Cue my brain failing to remember the name that I had barely stuffed into my polish/history-filled brain. I stuttered a few times and then made sweeping light saber motions with my arms and made "q" sounds over and over until he said the name. By then I was all embarrassed and he said they didn't have anything. I apologized for being socially handicapped, and he made a comment about knowing how that was. I left the store quickly and tried not to cry because why is social interaction so fucking difficult?

Story twooooooooooo: After our first day of classes on Wednesday, I called my best friend to talk about how I had my favourite prof again and how he somehow got hotter. I walked down the stairs talking about him and his accent and how stoked I was for the class and blah blah blah. I left the stairwell place and sat down on a chair in the hallway to find my bus pass before I headed to the loop. Not five seconds later, super sexy prof walked out of the same stairwell. He smiled at me and said hi like he always does but I'm sure he heard me and is waiting to use it against me in the future. Oh well. I want to break up his marriage so I can have him and his supaaaaaaaaaaaaa sexy accent anyway.

Ahhh, this one is an old one, but it always makes people laugh. Okay. So at work, I was rolling a rack and this lady came up to me and asked why a Bible was priced the way it was. I tried to explain the book policy to her and over and over, and she kept questioning it like I was fucking lying to her or something, and I got steadily more fed up until I just blurted out, "Because that's how we price fiction!". She looked completely shocked and walked away without a word. I saw her go through a till getting the Bible about ten minutes later. I was pretty much dead with laughter at that, but I was horrified because I knew that she was going to complain about me to someone. I don't really discuss my atheism with people that I don't know well, and I was sort of dreading the inevitable conversation explaining that I had a minor brain lapse and forgot that people don't need to know things that personal blah blah. I don't think any of my supervisors at work knew at that point. It's weird, you'd think atheism isn't a big deal, but a lot of people kind of freak out when they find out I'm an atheist. When I see that, I usually find a way to work my feminism in too... it's like a two for one!

In short, fuck everything and everyone should die. That sums up my feelings about most of today.