Friday, April 16, 2010

Haven't updated in a while....

My bad. It's not that I haven't been hating things lately, because I most certainly have!

Right now, my work is annoyed at me because apparently someone changed my schedule without telling me. Do not care.

Right now, I'm mad at tequila and whiskey for giving me my first blackout moments, although some good did come of that.

Right now, though, the thing that's pissing me off is one of my friend's ex girlfriends.

She's literally crazy. She doesn't understand that she's the most irrational person on the planet. Think Bella from Twilight, but twenty times worse.

I also hate her for repeatedly insisting that my friend owes her something. It's like,



Monday, April 5, 2010

Tiiiiiiiiired, but

Top five things I hate:

1. Idiots. I also hate the latest trend of claiming to be "trolling" on the internet when someone makes you look like a jackass.

2. People who inflict their mess on me.

3. When somebody knows that they owe you money, but continues to go along and hopes that you won't notice.

4. Hypocrisy. Grasping at straws just makes you look like a loser.

5. I goddamn hate when movie trailers give away the whole movie. Like that "Tron" movie or whatever the fuck it's called? When I saw the preview for it before Alice in Wonderland started, I was VERY annoyed by the incredibly expository bits of dialogue that they used to capture a viewer's attention.

"What, he's going to turn up and say that he just got sidetracked after twenty years?"

"You never know...."

Or something to that effect. This is why I write scripts, because I have a horrid memory for dialogue and would never remember any of my lines.

So basically, this guy's dad is some kind of nerdy guy. I believe he works in some kind of alternate universe. Boring main character decides to go have a look and figure out what happened to his dad. Finds himself drawn into the world, and, lo and behold, his dear dad is there. But OH NO, everything's just so SCARY, whatever shall we do!

That being said... I might go see it because it has Olivia Wilde in it. THIRTEEN! I straight up love her. When we saw Year One in theatres, I yelled IT'S THIRTEEN the second she came on the screen. There was a rather awkward pause after. Apparently there were no House fans in the building.

Did I mention that I find this sudden happening HILARIOUS, and am grateful to the informer? I look forward to the smackdown promised by text message.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Sometimes, I really hate my school.

That's right. I actually hate UVic sometimes.

Not the school itself, but I literally do hate people that also attend UVic. My main problem with UVic can be simply stated in this fashion: white, middle-class entitlement.

I know this is ironic, given that I am white and come from a middle-class background (I suppose. Though I have aboriginal grandparental units and we really aren't all that middle-class anymore), but seriously. I think what boggles my mind most (yes, I did just say that) is that environmental causes attract far more attention than humanitarian causes.

A perfect example of this is the latest bullshit going on on the campus. A group of flaming jackasses... I mean, "guerilla gardeners"... decided to randomly dig holes in a very well-used portion of campus to plant a garden (to draw attention to the lack of environmental sustainability that UVic apparently supports, and to try to encourage people to buy local produce, blah blah). A poorly planted garden, I might add. These 100 people essentially dug holes in an area of campus that has less-than-ideal soil conditions (re: really shitty conditions), chucked some stuff in said holes and called it a "garden."

So. Apparently one of the reasons they decided to take such (stupid) drastic action was because UVic administration has been too slow in granting the request for more garden place. Oh yeah, did I mention that we already have a designated gardening area? Yes, that's right. It has a huge waiting list, blah blah, yes, I'm well aware, but there are also plans on the go to create two more gardens for students to utilize.

Another reason (I do believe this one is my favourite) is that they were tired of a small group of people (administration, bureaucracy, or, most likely, known as "the man") making decisions for everyone.

That's right. A group of 100 students (on a campus with about 20,000 students) is pissed that a small group of people make decisions for the whole campus.

Let me make sure that I'm making my point clear.

0.5% of the student population is pissed that a ridiculously small group of people makes decisions regarding school property.

Do you see where I'm going here?

I think the other thing that pisses me off is the "our tuition fees help pay for this land, so we should get to use it how we choose!" argument. FUCK THE FUCK OFF, IT'S NOT YOUR FUCKING PROPERTY, YOU FUCKING BUNCH OF IDIOTS.

I'm also pissed off at how this has been covered in Victoria. The newspapers and the like only interview students who are "pro-garden," and the only opposing view that they show comes from the administrators. Yeah, because there aren't ANY FUCKING STUDENTS ON CAMPUS AGAINST THIS.

Which is why the Facebook groups for each respective groups has a gap of about 100 people in them - the group against the methods employed by these idiot kids protestors.

I will be clear here, though. I think there should be more garden land for students to utilize if they so choose. I do not approve of the methods used.

Also, the already available school garden land is notoriously neglected. There's a huge waiting list for people just waiting to neglect that land.

It blows my mind that this issue gets more attention than the flower drive that was on campus last week. Apparently UVic kids care more about protesting for arbitrary things that they have no right to than they care about providing funding for AIDS-stricken members of the Victoria community and AIDS research.

Environmental issues are important, but this is yet another example of entitled kids not understanding laws. Our school grounds rules allow for the space to be utilized by students in certain ways (ie eating lunch there, studying there, etc) but NOT for a group of students to decide that the entire campus needs a personal garden.

The big stereotype going around right now is that it's all the arts kids doing this stupid stuff... sometimes, I really hate being an arts student.