Tuesday, November 9, 2010


So this is a bit of an unusual rant for this blog, and for me generally, but this really pissed me off, so I'm going to talk about it.

I went to the grocery store today to get some baking supplies (... and stop at Starbucks so what don't judge me). On my way out of the house, I was outside for all of three seconds before I realized that I was really going to need a scarf and gloves. So I went back in and grabbed my Ravenclaw scarf and some little finger gloves. It was seriously windy as hell and I was pissed.

Anyway, I was heading to the bus stop, listening to my Deathly Hallows audiobook (Stephen Fry, of course) and right when I walked to the bus stop, the bus was waiting at the light, so I was all pleased with myself. I stepped onto the bus, still feeling quite pleased with myself (don't ask why, because I have no idea! It's not like I knew I was timing it perfectly) and sat down in an empty seat at the front, because I hate sitting next to strangers on the bus oh god it makes me want to die.

Being intensely self-conscious, it took me about thirty seconds on the bus to realize that two frat boys were looking at my scarf and laughing to each other. So, being nosey, I pretended that I didn't notice. I paused my iPod so I could hear what they were saying. And then I had to resist the urge to strangle them both with my scarf.

First off, they were the type of guys that say stuff like "dude" and "bro" and "man" and stuff. Kaydee and I call them "dudebros". And they were talking about how nerdy I was (I am, thank you), which didn't bother me, but then they were saying that people who liked HP were losers who were unhappy with their own lives and people who hadn't "advanced" past childhood. Oh, and that apparently people who like the series itself are people who are boring and wish that they were constantly worried about dying. I've got news for you, I'm an extremely paranoid human being and I already am constantly worried that I'm going to be brutally killed. I just don't think that He Who Must Not Be Named will do it.

I really just wanted to bitch them out for it. Like, oh, since it's okay for you to judge me, let me express my opinions too! Firstly, I think that you probably didn't graduate high school, since your constant use of "like" suggests an inability to articulate your meagre, unintelligible thoughts.

Secondly, I think that you're both really insecure, since you both insist on ending sentences with some variant of "man". Are you afraid that he's not listening?

Thirdly, an asshole who talks on a pretty empty bus about someone on the bus (sitting not even two rows away, I might add) is a douchebag. Put the pair of you together, and you're nattering like bitchy girls. GOD PUT YOUR CLAWS AWAY AND STOP ACTING LIKE A VAGINA, BRO.

And lastly, anyone who thinks HP is an exclusively children's series is sadly mistaken. There is some fucked up shit in HP that is obviously not meant for kids. As the series advances, it gets increasingly tragic and violent (DOBBY DUMBLEDORE HEDWIG LUPIN TONKS FRED GEORGE'S EAR :( :( :( :( ). What kinds of books did you read as children that make you think that this is tame shit? How silly of me, you're probably still only mildly literate at best.

Don't talk shit about Harry Potter. I will send my dragon to burn your house down and my Hippogriff will fuck you up.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dragon Quidditch?

I haven't ranted for a bit, but that doesn't mean my life has been rage-free. My life has had so much rage in it that I can hardly function lately.

So, in no particular order, here are the things that I'm hating right now.

1. The "abortion is the undercover Holocaust" speaking thing that was on campus. I can't actually begin to articulate what happened to my brain when I saw a sign that . Basically, my brain shut down, I couldn't hear anything and I was pretty much blind from rage. It was called "Echoes of the Holocaust", so right away I was pissed, because THE HOLOCAUST WAS A GENOCIDE AND YOU CLEARLY DON'T KNOW WHAT GENOCIDE MEANS. The point that he was trying to make (oh, did I mention it was a man? I don't hate men or anything, but why the fuck are so many pro-life activists men?) was that abortion is a genocide because it dehumanizes the group being targeted, along with a few other points that were really just stretching it. Did I mention that a fetus isn't a human? Oh yeah. How can you dehumanize something that isn't human? It has no upper brain function, and isn't that something we try to claim to differentiate ourselves from plants, for example? Plants have no upper brain function and a fetus doesn't either. So really, if abortion is murder, so is pulling up carrots from the ground. Excuse me, though, I've got to leave this point off because I'm about to complete my genocide of potatoes. (Om nom.)

2. The insane levels of chauvinism that seem to be floating around me all the time. A supervisor at work is clearly a chauvinist and I don't fucking care where you're from, when you come to a country where men and women are equal, you have to drop that mindset or I'm going to cut you. And I have this feeling that nothing I say to any of my "superiors" at work will change anything, since they're men too, and complaining to a man about how inherently sexist a man is (especially when they're around the same age and clearly have similar mentalities about women) doesn't really seem like a good idea. I don't even want to think about this anymore.

3. The leaning guy on the bus is STILL on the bus whenever I take it. I've been trying to catch earlier buses and it's like he fucking knows and he keeps taking the same bus as me. I asked him if he had an inner ear problem... probably about a week and a half ago, maybe two, so he's mostly stopped, but i looked like a psycho. It went something like this.

Me: (with bags under my eyes the size of something really really big and eyes twitchy from lack of sleep) Do you have an inner ear problem?

Leaning jackass douchebag dickbag that deserves to die: ... What?

Me: Do you have an inner ear problem. You seem incapable of standing up straight and insistent on attempting to crush my ribcage with your back pack twice a week.

Him: ... Sorry...

I haven't had a problem with him since, but why do I have to say something that makes me seem like a dick to make him stop acting like a dick? I mean, really, if he wasn't acting like a douchebag in the first place, I wouldn't have had to say anything.

4. Drama. For the most part (half, maybe? I dunno) it's a bit beyond everyone's control, but there is behaviour that reminds me too much of someone that I don't want to be reminded of and it's really a bit like high school. I'm hoping everything will settle down, because I'm sick of it, but if it doesn't stop, some people will get punched in the face (the ones that can't really help it) and some will get cut (the people who need to stop because I can't handle this).

Really, I'm way too much of a pacifist to ever actually intentionally hurt someone (unless I feel that I'm in danger), but I might threaten to and I might have really violent dreams about it.

Well, not even the latter. I had a dream that a few of my dear friends and I were playing Quidditch on dragons, and our dragons made a rainbow. And then I got hit (or almost hit? Can't remember) by a bludger directed by a Beater and my dragon burned him to death. Serves you right for being in Hufflepuff, you fucking loser.

... Yeah.